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Insurance Billing and Credentialing
Thursday, May 14, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Category: LPCA Sponsored NBCC approved

Insurance Billing and Credentialing-overwhelmed by what you have heard about it from your colleagues?  Get the FACTS in this one-hour Live Interactive Webinar:  What you don’t know about how the COVID-19 is effecting Insurance billing and as you know by now, a credentialing process can take up to four months or more. 


DATE  May 14, 2020  THURSDAY

TIME: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

CORE Hour:  1 CE 

PRESENTER:  Expert Jill Leslie, CPA and owner of Peace of Mind Billing, LLC  

CONTACT NUMBER: 770-449-4547

CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected]


APPROVAL #: 8845-20AW and NBCC #6762