The Law 43-10A  for Counselors  Click Here or see below

(10) ""Professional counseling" means that specialty which utilizes counseling techniques based
on principles, methods, and procedures of counseling that assist people in identifying and
resolving personal, social, vocational, intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns; utilizes
counseling and psychotherapy to evaluate, diagnose, treat, and recommend a course of treatment
for emotional and mental problems and conditions, whether cognitive, behavioral, or affective,
provided that the counselor shall have training and experience working with people with mental
illness, developmental disability, or substance abuse; administers and interprets educational and
vocational assessment instruments and other tests which the professional counselor is qualified to
employ by virtue of education, training, and experience; utilizes information, community
resources, and goal setting for personal, social, or vocational development; utilizes individual
and group techniques for facilitating problem solving, decision making, and behavior change;
utilizes functional assessment and vocational planning and guidance for persons requesting
assistance in adjustment to a disability or disabling condition; utilizes referral for persons who
request counseling services; performs service planning; and utilizes and interprets counseling